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Who I am, And "Why the Mask?"

Updated: Jan 17, 2020

Many people who follow me, and my Family & Friends...

Have either asked or wondered..."Why the mask, or...Why doesn't she do live video's any longer. Or make public appearances to help the Veterans and their Families? You deserve to know the truth behind the mask. And what prompted me to build the "Highly Dangers Brand?" This is my life's reason why I am here at this moment in time. And why I may need to say good bye soon. Many of the peeps who know me personal, or have been avid followers tell me I'm strong, I got this. Not so much any more.

Meet Miss Highly Dangerass

AKA: Jackie Grace

I was born on December 1st 1955 and was named Ellen J Rhein, the first of 4 children, which included 3 younger brothers. Born in Newark NJ and lived in a Larger than Life State. Small in Stature, Large in Adventure. At age 7, I was thrown into a chaotic family business, with a love/hate relationship with it throughout the rest of my life. Well, at least till my unplanned retirement was thrust upon me like jail cell doors slamming on me. It was devastating to be told that I was a physical liability to the business. I was forced to retire in the worst time while the economy was taking a shitty dump on the American People. I took my case to court after going through tough physical challenges. My disability lawyer was good for nothing and the judge dismissed him from even talking. She addressed all questions to myself. We bantered back and forth about my work history and my health history. I mean to tell you she had a book of facts about me that was about 5 inches thick of documents. (the reason she was pissed off at my lawyer was that he had just presented my personal history to her at the last min. She was able to read through it and ask me lots of questions of which I answered fully and straight forward. I had to be excused for a few min's due to sitting in one spot for so long, they had to wheel my chair out to the ladies room. After a few short min's, I hear a banging on the door...I open it slightly and my friends who took me to court were talking faster then a New York Min, trying to tell me to get back to the courtroom fats. The judge has made a decision and that never happens during the court procedure. So off I go wheeling back to my spot in front of the judge and she declared me as totally disabled, but wanted to encourage me to continue on my own path and take life by the balls and run with what ever I wish to do in my life. Judge said she had faith in me as a human and wished me the best in life. Banged her gavel and winked at me, then walked out of the courtroom. I start to stand up and hear a borage of clapping and as I walked out of the court room through the building to to exit the front door, I was stunned at the attention, and asked why??? I was told, that never happens ever from any judge on the disability issues we face every day.

Judge was the major reason for my inspiration to create the business's I have strived to achieve. Which brings us to "How this all makes sense to others."

My Current Projects Include:

Did I forget to mention my Commercial Art Degree, and that I chose to stay in the Floral Design Career because it was making me a decent paycheck and I was noticed for being one of the best designers of my time. ....Time....Hmmmm....That has always been the one thing I have been trying to beat all my life. Time has never been on my side I used to say a lot. It's always been a race against time every step of the way. The Lesson here is: DON'T EVER WASTE TIME! Time is the most valuable tool in your life. Never Underestimate Time. I found that if you allow time to pass you by, Time never gives you back the Time Lost. It is Gone, Caput, Past Life, History, BAM! Times Up! I have been aware of this thought since very young. It stood out to me in the most vulnerable situations as a young girl and has never left me.

Why I am Invisible to my public audience...

My art keeps my mind from stressing about my disabilities. One of which is B-Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoma among a medical wrap sheet worse then a criminals wrap sheet. And I am trying to hang on to my dignity. Throughout my life of 64 years I have had everything important in my life, taken away from me including Family. This is mine, My Story, My Thoughts, My Art, And doin' it "My Highly Dangerass Jersey/Oregon Girl Way."

Everyone has a story, And Everyone has a right to tell it the way they lived it. Memory is the 2nd most important attribute us humans try and hold onto, and sometimes try and forget things we are horrified of. I always try and think of the other persons reasons for why they do or don't do things their way. Reasons are the paths that bind our journey through life and time. And We Humans, Everyone of us, has the right to live it the way they see it, as long as they don't hurt others in the process. There is No Religion regarding these thoughts for me. I believe people can be good people just because they wish to be better than what is felt to them in life. Understanding goes a very long way in life. Our Journey's consist of "Choices". What we choose to do, wear, speak, admire, and welcome into our lives. And we do not get to force anyone to do it our way. That my friends is called "Understanding"....Opppps, maybe I am starting to sound like a modern Miss Manners...hahahahaha ok, I will close for now and write more when I am able.

I hope you like my art and would show your appreciation of it by purchasing product from my store to grace your home, office or play area. I have not been able to afford the cost of marketing due to life's struggles. So for the past 10 years 6 serious years, What this business brings in is extremely minimal. However I am not a quitter, and I urge you to share if you think others might enjoy my art. I am very appreciative of how other put in a few minuets of their time for a good cause. You won't regret it, You have my word.

Much Love, Loyalty, Honor & Respect.

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